Welcome to the Proud Home of the Monsters
Welcome to Gila Vista Jr. High School, where “we just can’t hide that Monster Pride!” You will find us in Yuma, Arizona, in the southwest corner of the state. We have a remarkable staff that is committed to promoting academic excellence. We promote a cooperative effort among students, teachers, and families as we provide rigorous instruction to help all students achieve success.
Our school has approximately 500 students in 6th through 8th grades. We expect Gila Vista students to use technology every day in the classroom. All students at Gila Vista are issued an iPad for their use throughout the school year. We use the iPads for individualized instruction for all our students, problem based learning, and to promote 21st Century skills. We utilize Promethean Interactive boards to help engage students in the lessons more effectively. We recognize that interacting with technology will be critical as our students prepare themselves for the future.
Please take some time to orient yourself with our website. We attempt to keep you informed with everything we think you will find useful. You can learn more about our staff and administration, or keep up-to-date with our calendar and news items. When you have a question or two, be sure to check our frequently asked questions. We value our communication with you, so do not hesitate to contact us or stop by the campus for a visit.
A Message from Our Principal
Dear Parents and Guardians,
Welcome to the home of the Monsters! Our well-trained and committed teachers are ready to provide exciting learning opportunities for your adolescents as they master the Arizona College and Career Ready Standards. We believe that every day should present challenges to push students to be successful as they prepare to become life-long learners.
We ask that our students come to school “ready to learn” and that they “strive to learn everything” that is taught to them. We take our responsibility in leading your sons and daughters to become thinkers and problem solvers very seriously. Thank you for entrusting us to perform this critical task. You are welcome to visit our campus and classrooms to witness the “magic of learning” take place.
Frank Núñez
Frank Núñez, Principal
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School Uniform Policy
We ask that students come to school dressed ready to learn. Please wear clean and modest clothing. Please refer to the school uniform policy for more information on the dress code.