AVID™ is an academics program that focuses on deep reading and writing as a tool of learning, the inquiry method, and collaborative teamwork. AVID™ students are enrolled in at least one advanced class and an elective AVID™ class that provides:

  • Academic Instruction
  • Tutorial Support
  • Motivational Activities

AVID™ educates the “whole student” through the combined efforts of:

  • Students
  • Curriculum
  • Faculty
  • Tutors
  • Parents
  • Community

AVID™ Mission and Goals

Mission: To close the achievement gap by preparing all students for college readiness and success in a global society.


  • To Motivate and Equip Students to See Themselves as Leaders and Scholars
  • To Increase Skills Needed for Advanced Academic Work
  • To Increase Career Awareness and Opportunities
  • To Develop Leadership Skills

AVID™ at Gila Vista

We have chosen to implement AVID™ because it provides support for students who want to do the challenging work that will prepare them for college success. AVID™ is an elective class gives students a peer group and a teacher advocate. Together, they unite in learning the strategies that help students thrive in advanced courses. Students learn academic organizational skills, advanced reading, and writing strategies, explore professional careers, and work in collaborative tutoring groups.

We began the program at the beginning of the 2009-2010 school year. Due to popular response from students and their families, we added an additional elective class beginning the 2nd Quarter. We added a sixth grade class in the 2010-2011 school year.

Although there are only four AVID™ classes at this time, we are implementing AVID™ instructional strategies throughout the campus. We are attempting to create a learning environment campus-wide, which promotes creative thinking and outstanding academic achievement.

Who Qualifies for the AVID™ Elective?

Students who have the potential and desire to attend a four-year college and the following:

  • Have Generally Passing Grades
  • Have a Teacher or Counselor Recommendation
  • Have a Good Attendance Record
  • Have Positive Classroom Behavior
  • Will Commit to Responsibly Preparing for Classes
  • Are Willing to Commit to Enrolling in at Least One Rigorous Advanced Course in Their First Year in AVID™