Our School

Welcome to Gila Vista Jr. High. We’re pleased you are here to read more about us. You’ll find that we have a fantastic school experience to offer your children. We are a Performing Plus school, as the Arizona State Standards have designated. We set our goals high, and your children have achieved well. We are proud or your children; it makes teaching them a pleasure.

We aim with great success to give students a well-rounded education. We offer Advance Placement classes, band, AVID, on-site special education, before- and after-school programs, a four-period English block for EL learners, online learning through Plato, and the list keeps going. In order to provide a cohesive instructional program and consistent academic and emotional support, we organize our students into teams (Blue, Green, White, Purple, and Gold). Our tumble schedule provides a way for students and teachers to see each other throughout different times of the day.

We are thankful for the supportive parents in our school community. Please insist on your child’s attendance, and set high expectations for him or her at home. High achievers at home are high achievers at school. We also encourage parent-teacher communication through phone calls, emails, and conferences. We’re here for you and thank you for supporting us too!

Our Mission Statement

The Gila Vista community expects and supports student academic and social success through fostering PRIDE:

Vision for Meeting Mission (PRIDE)

  • Preparation for high school
  • Relationship building
  • Innovative instruction
  • Data-driven decisions
  • Expectations that are high, clear, and consistent

Parent Involvement

Please read the documents below to find out about our goals and what you can do to help your child excel!